Cotty´s owner

Friday 19 December 2014

First activity

Hello students :D

Welcome to the first activity of the year. We have studied the colors and numbers in class. Also, you know different animals. Now, let´s see a beautiful picture I took in the city of Dublin (Ireland).

Here, you can see a picture of a lake.

Activity 1

Look at the picture. What colors can you see?

Activity 2 

What animals can you see? How many are there?

Activity 3

Do you like lakes? Why?

Don´t forget to answer the questions in your notebook. We will check them in the next lesson.

Have a fantastic day!

See you soon.

Introducing my little corner.

Hello Everybody!

I am new in the world of educational blogs. My name is Manuel. I am a teacher of Primary school and my class belongs to the first level of Primary Education.

Along the year I will be posting different entries with entertaining activities and educational tasks for you students. Don´t forget to check it out regularly.

Here you have some other interesting blogs that have inspired me to the development of my little corner. I took them as an example for my own blog. Have a look at them, they are wonderful! (first and second level of Primary) (First and second level of Primary) (Fifth and sixth level of Primary)

In the next entry, we will review numbers, colors and animals. Keep looking at the blog!

Have a great day. Goodbye!